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Attendance Management system in php


Attendance Management System using Php

  1. First open Xampp local host server:
  2. open xampp folder ,create file signup in htdocs folder:
  3. open any browser and write localhost/phpmyadmin:
  4. create database ,create table:
  5. Open the signup folder in htdocs and code the html,css and php:
  6. here is the source code link:


User panel: User panel may include the registration page, and login There must be a 3 buttons , mark attendance , Mark Leave and view button Mark attendance in which students can mark his/her attendance as present View button in which student can view all the marked attendance Student which mark his/her attendance once in a day can’t mark it again in as well as not delete his/her attendance. Also give the option to edit the profile picture User should be able to Send Leave Request to admin for leaves.
Admin panel: The admin can login through login page View all the record of login students The admin can edit, add, and delete the students attendance Admin should be able to create a report of Users. FROM and TO Dates which will show specific user attendance Leave Approval Modules. There should be proper count of Leaves , Present’s , Absents etc Admin should be able to create a Complete System Report FROM and TO dates of all attendances. link to download source code:

Module of Project:

  1. Login
  2. Sign Up
  3. Profile
  4. profileUpdate
  5. Present Absent Status
  6. Crud Operations
  7. Admin Panel
  8. Admin panel(Checck Details of Students)

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